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BADASS Leader!

You’re successful, ambitious, empathetic, and amazing!!!

Your ingredients may be a little different, but the same challenge rings true…somewhere along the way you learned the world can’t handle that much AWESOME in one impactful person!

For some reason, you’re not allowed to be hella smart, funny, charming, driven, strong, cool, successful, visionary, and all the other things amazing about you.

That you can’t be successful in ALL areas of your life and career while making an impact in the world. You may even feel bad or judge yourself for wanting more!

That you’ve gotta work hard and hustle to succeed, so you’re exhausted or overwhelmed or just would like to learn to relax.

It would be amazing to disconnect from work, but you don’t really know how to connect to you…not on a deep level.

You Can Elevate Your Impact, Influence, Fulfillment, And Empire!

You Can Have EPIC Level Of CONFIDENCE That Outshines Fear, Doubt, Impostor Syndrome, And Inner Critic! 

You Can Activate InFLOWential Leadership For Ease-Filled, Effortless Success!

I know this without a doubt!

But you’re making it harder by staying in the hustle, pushing yourself to the point of BURNOUT and OVERWHELM. 

You’re using strategy after strategy, but you’re not getting the results you desire. 

And the more you TRY, you hear that voice in your head that fills you with FEAR and DOUBT. Your inner critic is running RAMPANT and leading you to self-sabotage your efforts because you think you aren’t GOOD ENOUGH.

You are already a LEADER. But you need the CONFIDENCE to own who you are BEING, so you can ATTRACT more to you…effortlessly!

Let's be REAL...

I know you’re staying busy to AVOID connecting to yourself and feeling what’s going on.

You’re a pro at numbing out!

It’s easy to DO the self-care and not FEEL the self-care.

I did it all the time, going through the motions of what I’m “supposed” to do or SHOULD do to feel better, but still not letting it all break through the deepest walls.

That’s why you’re still feeling this way and struggling despite ALL THE WORK you’ve already done in other programs, courses, books, workshops, etc. I hear it all the time!

You’re still struggling with what it means to truly be authentic and emotionally available, for you and others. Hiding behind your deepest walls, the real, badass POWERFUL you are screaming to get out!

So…sometimes you feel like an impostor or doubt yourself.

Listen up…

You’re doing amazing things already that have created an ROI! And that’s why it’s been so tough to change.

That ROI rewards the old habits blocking you from getting to the next level.

And that’s why it’s been so hard to shatter the invisible ceiling on freedom, fulfillment, impact, and income.

Creating cycles of massive success then burnout and overwhelm.

Why? Here’s the hard truth… ⬇⬇⬇

What you think is high performance is really high-functioning.

You see the symptoms...

  • Not holding to boundaries with your time and energy.

  • Overthinking, impostor syndrome, doubt, and decision-fatigue.

  • Putting yourself on the back burner when shit hits the fan.

  • Doing it yourself instead of delegating.

  • Stuck or checked out, feeling very ALL OR NOTHING.

  • Struggling with procrastination and perfection, along with other control issues.

  • Over-giving of your time and energy, or excusing those underperforming.

  • Lacking accountability with yourself and your team.

  • Not BEING fully present for your partner and kids, team or clients.

  • Unfocused, easily distracted, or chasing the next shiny object.

  • Not consistently making time to feed your soul.

  • Uncomfortable when you slow down or aren’t distracted.

  • Identity issues when external conditions change.

  • Avoiding yourself, your relationships, or the actions you know will move the needle forward.


My life before taking off the mask...

The workaholic who couldn't turn off work or hustle.

My whole life, success was based on external achievement and validation.

Grades, sports, trophies, even people-pleasing, always playing the role and wearing the mask of who I should be to get approval from others.

My esteem and enoughness were always tied to something external.

Resulting in NO BOUNDARIES.

Which also meant my Identity was tied to everything external too!

My marriage, house, title, income, weight, size, cars, etc.

If any of that changed, it shook me to the core. As I lost it all, I lost myself.

Until my rock bottom moment when I realized that after a lifetime of wearing the mask of who I SHOULD be for validation, I had no idea WHO I WAS.

I hated myself.

The problem was I was always working AGAINST myself.

Unlocking my Superpowers...

Success became effortless when I learned how to work with myself and tap into my gifts.

True Alpha's have the capacity to lead others, innovate and revolutionize, and inspire others to greatness simply by BEING themselves.

They have both high sensitivity and high sensation-seeking. Empathy and drive!

People like us have SUPER POWERS unlike anyone else.

Our minds work faster than everyone else, and we get frustrated when others can’t keep up and felt like an outcast around others who didn’t function the same.

We’re more sensitive to energy and the environment, with high empathy and intuition, allowing us to easily be drained when not around the right people or places.

Yet, in the Hustle-culture we live in, we’ve adapted to focus on ambition and drive while ignoring our empathy and intuition.

Until it causes trouble.

Avoiding discomfort...

Unregulated sensation-seeking turns into a need for constant stimulation and variety, and getting bored easily fuels shiny-object syndrome and distractions, creating more anxiety and overwhelm.

Often labeling us with ADD or ADHD, Shiny Object Syndrome, and many other distractions that interfere with focus.

Ignored emotions and high stress lead to self-soothing methods of sabotage.

Avoiding myself with all things…food, alcohol, drugs, work, social media, television, and even self-harm (hello eating disorder).

Anything to change how I was feeling in the moment. Anything to help me feel in control when internally I was an emotional hurricane (category 5).

Numbing out to avoid myself because I learned to play the “Good Girl” to avoid rejection or making others feel bad (hello people–pleaser). And exhausted from hiding my power and truth, I numbed out to avoid the pain.

Usually, it was just DOING something MYSELF to soothe the discomfort of delegating, teaching, and empowering someone else to do it.

Another reason for hiding in the hustle.

Finding the FLOW in


But that also looks like little moments that undermine your goals.

Not taking breaks, not making time to rest or disconnect, or choosing something easy in the moment rather than what supports your goals.

You may LOVE when you find your EDGE! I was addicted to mine.

Always chasing it, but activating it in unhealthy ways with procrastination and pressure. However, your edge is not the same as being IN THE ZONE.

That’s TRUE peak performance. Finding your FLOW!

When you can easily activate your FLOW State, expand time, and optimize your performance to get more done efficiently and effectively while experiencing freedom and fulfillment.

Without burning out because you’re not exhausting your batteries, you’re leveraging your leadership.

The secret to shifting from high-functioning to peak performance is by balancing both sides and fully activating your superpowers for effortless focus and flow to create the freedom and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.

In EVERY aspect of your life, loves, leadership, and legacy.

That’s how leaders become being InFLOWential!

What is the definition of InFLOWential?





adj: radiating energy and confidence; elevating and inspiring others to their greatness

noun: highest form of leadership, fully integrated and embodied version of YOU

Random Stacy Factoids

If you made it here, I appreciate your commitment to learning or just a curious mind like Me. 😉

  • I graduated from North Pole High School in ALASKA!

  • I joined the Army in early 2001 and 9/11 happened on my way to first duty station.

  • After the Army, I went to college, finishing four years in only three and graduating valedictorian with a bachelor’s in biology.

  • I was a pharmaceutical chemist for seven years.

  • I stopped eating meat about a year ago with my diet ranging from raw vegan and fruitarian to pescatarian. So, I’m currently a Flexitarian.

  • I’m an Ordained Minister.

  • I can’t snap my fingers and generate sound. LOL!

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